Kitchen Like tile floor BUT not countertops

Kitchen Molding wall lovely

Kitchen update mounding on cabinets

Blissfully ~ Pin It !!!

Huge TV fill rm, breakfast nook fireplace

low ceiling, brick accent angle rm

layout mirror tv ceiling beams

Cabinet Height, Ceiling ~ Much Like My Micro and A New Stove

So many Choices ~ White Cabinets

Ceiling trim, Recessed lights, above countertop look!

Ideal Change Color of Cabinets

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Let The Wise Man . . Glory in this...

"Thus saith the Lord,

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,

Neither let the mighty man glory in his might,

Let not the rich man glory in his riches;

But let him (her) that glorieth... glory in this . . . .

That he understandeth and knoweth me,

That I am the Lord which exercises

  • Lovingkindness,

  • judgment, and

  • righteousness, in the earth;

For in these things I delight, saith the Lord."

Jeremiah 9: 23,24

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