Kitchen Like tile floor BUT not countertops

Kitchen Molding wall lovely

Kitchen update mounding on cabinets

Blissfully ~ Pin It !!!

Huge TV fill rm, breakfast nook fireplace

low ceiling, brick accent angle rm

layout mirror tv ceiling beams

Cabinet Height, Ceiling ~ Much Like My Micro and A New Stove

So many Choices ~ White Cabinets

Ceiling trim, Recessed lights, above countertop look!

Ideal Change Color of Cabinets

Monday, June 29, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

When God measures a man, He puts the tape around the heart instead of the head.

"...the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."--- I Samuel 16:7

The Army GI $$$ is Payin UP

Yea... Letter this week that Tony is getting 100% school money... Fall 09 enrollment OSU-OKC. He mentioned that 2010 will be his tenth year out of highschool. And laughingly said... I remember tellin u all not to throw your money away on college... "I ain't goin" And dumb-foundedly we said... oh.

He then asked,, how/why didn't yall make me go... if Jalen is knotheaded... I'm gonna kick his butt: Son, here's what u need to do!"

Good lunch at Ted's today, Lck, LDKShabazz, mom and TK.

J-boy: Takin Pictures @ memaws

J-boy: Takin Pictures @ memaws

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Word of the Day. . . Deterge

Deterge \dih-TURJ\ verb
Meaning: to wash off : to cleanse

Example Sentence: In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to properly deterge and disinfect the wound.

Did you know? "Deterge" is not a particularly common word in the English language. However, it is related to a word with which most of us are likely familiar: "detergent."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Let The Wise Man . . Glory in this...

"Thus saith the Lord,

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,

Neither let the mighty man glory in his might,

Let not the rich man glory in his riches;

But let him (her) that glorieth... glory in this . . . .

That he understandeth and knoweth me,

That I am the Lord which exercises

  • Lovingkindness,

  • judgment, and

  • righteousness, in the earth;

For in these things I delight, saith the Lord."

Jeremiah 9: 23,24

Lesson: Face em, son

Last weekend I sat in my son's living room, as J-boy to the handles to a Turtle fighting game on playstation! Engrossed, he climbed, he fought, he won. And the moment his figure dropped or was beat down - he looked and said.. Daddy help / fix it / how do I climb the wall?

Jalen was given finger placement and was content with daddy. Then, my son mentioned later that on another visit, Jalen was yet getting whupped up on... and he said "Jay - u have to face that dude. Face him down...u have your back turned. That's why he's whipping u!" Tony said, Jalen's eyes looked like a question mark????: face means - my eyes, nose, ears, teeth, mouth.... face the dude? And, Tony took another moment to explain the culturalism of the term "face em, face em down... u gotta turn to your attacker, here's the button - - face him and fight back"

Just a little later, as Jalen resumed play... the yell came "daddy, daddy, I did it, I faced him, I'm winning, come see!" Tony said, Good job, son!

There's a lesson in manhood... in a million years grandma would miss such a teaching opportunity.

A boy will mimic that male figure in his life... his shoulders will lean, he will pace his walk like dad. So, to take on an adversary: See, access, apprehend the situation. Then turn, face em, accepting the challenge in order the achieve the expected outcome u want!

Jalen will be 4 yrs old on 6-16-2009


G . . .God's
E . . . Eternal
N . . .Nature
I . . . Indwelling
U . . .Undergirding a . . . .