Kitchen Like tile floor BUT not countertops

Kitchen Molding wall lovely

Kitchen update mounding on cabinets

Blissfully ~ Pin It !!!

Huge TV fill rm, breakfast nook fireplace

low ceiling, brick accent angle rm

layout mirror tv ceiling beams

Cabinet Height, Ceiling ~ Much Like My Micro and A New Stove

So many Choices ~ White Cabinets

Ceiling trim, Recessed lights, above countertop look!

Ideal Change Color of Cabinets

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Look at your feet....

If you do not like where you are standing....

by Ron Rathbun

Our current situation is a time to release the danger and embrace the opportunity; to move away from the hurt and pain and find what is healing and beautiful.

Difficult times are those times we reflect on where we are and where we want to be. We reconsider our choices, analyze our behaviors, and ponder our path. It is time of struggle as we grow and evolve.

My Jaboy can sing the tune... not the

Lift Ev'ry Voice..... and Sing !

 ~ ~  what many refer to as “The Black National Anthem.” The Rev. Joseph Lowery quoted from the third verse of the song during his benediction at the Inauguration on January 20, 2009 when he prayed,

“God of our weary years, God of our silent tears,
thou who has brought us thus far along the way,
thou who has by thy might led us into the light,
keep us forever in the path, we pray,

Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee,
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee.
Shadowed beneath thy hand may we forever stand — true to thee, O God,
and true to our native land.”